Category Archive: Healthy Recipes

Meat Free Monday


 Today’s recipe is Baba Ghanoush, a very popular Middle Eastern dish made primarily of aubergine/eggplant and tahini, a paste made from sesame seeds. This is a healthy snack that can be eaten in… Continue reading

Meat Free Monday


Today’s recipe is a simple vegetarian curry, full of Indian flavours. It has a delicious aroma and not only does it taste great when fresh but it reheats perfectly from the fridge or the… Continue reading

Meat Free Monday


A frittata is a type of Italian omelet, either simple or enriched with additional ingredients. It is prepared in a frying pan like a traditional  omelet however, whereas an omelet is cooked on… Continue reading

Meat Free Monday


    Today’s recipe comes courtesy of my friend, Karen from the Netherlands.  It is so great when readers of this blog share their favorite recipes and so I am delighted today to… Continue reading

Meat Free Monday


Today’s recipe is a delicious aubergine (eggplant), tomato and chickpea casserole, which I came across in the New York Times. The casserole tastes best if made at least a day ahead. Ingredients  Serves… Continue reading

Time for some guilt free treats


Eating healthy is all well and good, but sometimes that craving for something sweet just has to be given into.  My husband has a very sweet tooth and finding ways to make healthy… Continue reading

Meat Free Monday


Today’s Meat Free Monday recipe is a healthy alternative to traditional burgers.  Falafel burgers are based on chickpeas which are high in protein and one of the earliest cultivated vegetables. They are a good  source… Continue reading

Meat Free Monday


While I don’t usually make any claims for cancer fighting food, it is claimed that specific anti-carcinogens are bound to the red colouring matter in beetroot which supposedly helps fight against cancer. Additional… Continue reading

Meat Free Monday


You can’t have failed to notice that thick-skinned winter squash are in season now. The shops are full of bright orange pumpkins. Along with butternut squash, it is a versatile vegetable that can be sautéed, mashed… Continue reading

Meat Free Monday


Our beautiful autumn weather is continuing and on Saturday I took a walk in the park and paid a visit to the farmer’s market held there each weekend. I made straight for the stand… Continue reading