Category Archive: Healthy Recipes

Meat Free Monday


New scientific research from the University of Southampton, has revealed that a plant compound in watercress may have the ability to suppress breast cancer cell development by “turning off” a signal in the body… Continue reading

Meat Free Monday


I have vivid memories as a child of jars of beetroot swimming in dreadful vinegar, which almost put me off it forever. Luckily I discovered later in life how flavoursome and versatile this root vegetable can be. Beetroot… Continue reading

Meat Free Monday


Today’s recipe is a repost from a few months ago. It features watercress, one of the oldest known leaf vegetables consumed by human beings. It contains significant amounts of iron, calcium and folic acid,… Continue reading

Meat Free Monday


I came across a recipe for this light summery salad recently and thought it sounded delicious. Unfortunately our Irish summer seems to have disappeared but if it makes a reappearance these grilled peaches,… Continue reading

Meat Free Monday


Here is a simple recipe for a satisfying vegetarian bean burger. The beans used are butter beans, which I believe are also known as lima beans (correct me if I’m wrong here). Beans… Continue reading

Meat Free Monday


  I love a creamy risotto and this one makes good use of one of my favourite comfort foods- butternut squash. Butternut squash is a nutritious food option that is filling and sweet. It… Continue reading

Meat Free Monday


I have a delicious aubergine/eggplant couscous salad to share with you today. It is so simple to prepare but looks very impressive and tastes wonderful. You can substitute the aubergine for another grilled… Continue reading

Meat Free Monday


Did you know that asparagus has been used from early times as a vegetable and medicine? There is a recipe for cooking asparagus in the oldest surviving book of recipes,  Apicius’s third century AD… Continue reading

Meat Free Monday


I do admire Jamie Oliver for his passion in empowering everyone to learn how to cook easy meals for themselves. He is, by all accounts, taking the US by storm and aiming to… Continue reading

Meat Free Monday


I am a big fan of couscous for its convenience – the quick-cook couscous just involves soaking or simmering the couscous in boiling water for about ten minutes to rehydrate it.   Couscous is… Continue reading