JBBC to host journaling therapy expert and book giveaway

I am delighted to be hosting Mari L. Mc Carthy, journaling therapy expert, on her blog book tour this week. Mari is the founder of Journaling for the Health of It™ and blogs at  http://www.createwritenow.com/journal-writing-blog/.  

Although an expert in using journaling as an aid to healing, Mari’s need to journal started as something much more basic. The need to learn to write. When Multiple Sclerosis attacked her right side, leaving her right hand unable to write, Mari had to find a way to teach her left hand to take over the task. A journal seemed like the perfect way to practice writing. Although journaling started as a means to an end, Mari fell in love with discovering herself through journaling. 

Mari’s latest publication is titled, Who Are You? How to Use Journaling Therapy to Know and Grow Your Life  – a fabulous workbook for anyone facing a change in their life. The book is available in e-book or spiral notebook form,and leads you through 27 exercises to get you started along the rewarding path of daily journaling to discover yourself. In addition to daily exercises and personal stories, Mari also shares many other sources budding journal keepers can go to for inspiration.

Win a copy of Mari’s latest book

As part of her WOW! Women on Writing blog tour, Mari will be sharing her advice and also offering readers chance to win a copy of her latest book.  So don’t forget to tune in tomorrow to win this fantastic prize.