Tag Archive: gratitude

Weekly Round Up


Well, life carries on. I have gone back into some semblance of a routine this week, going back to work,  in-between hospital visits. I have also been catching up on your blogs and… Continue reading

A Good Day


Some of you may be reading this right now and you are feeling overwhelmed by the doom and gloom that seems to be all around us. You may be suffering a health, emotional or financial… Continue reading

That’s just the way it comes


I’ve been reading M. Scott Peck’s book The Road Less Travelled and Beyond, and while disappointed that it is not as good as his seminal work, The Road Less Travelled, I am nevertheless picking up… Continue reading

Reflections on gratitude


I have been following Dana Jennings’ reflections on his cancer journey in the New York Times and last month he wrote a piece on gratitude, which has given me pause for thought. When you have… Continue reading