Weekly Round Up

Time for this week’s round-up of the best of the blog posts which I’ve read over the past week. These are the posts that have moved me, taught me something, inspired me and that I’ve wanted to share with you. Don’t forget that if you have written a post that you would like readers to see, just leave a comment below.

Today, being Father’s Day, Connie has written compassionately about her own relationship with her father.

Barbara shares her thoughts on missing out on life by choosing a path of mediocrity.

Hil Moss is Terri’s guest on Season 2, Episode 5 of the DiepCJourney Podcast. A young breast cancer survivor (diagnosed at 28), Hil is an active patient advocate, mentor, and writer in the cancer community, and dedicates her time to raising awareness around the importance of early detection and longitudinal survivorship care.

A poem from the pen of Audrey about finding the jewels.

Sarahs list of 100 things she loves has arrived at #18 – orchards.

A post from Abigail on how she stays abreast of the latest MBC research.

Tips on staying active throughout cancer treatment on the SBC blog.

In her latest post, Jennifer outlines the different kinds of walks she incorporates into her life.

Dee shares a variety of tweets that caught her attention during the recent ASCO meeting.

Marissa writes about her experience of medical upselling.

Finally, this week, it’s been a while since I shared a writing prompt with you. So here’s one to leave with you for the days ahead. If you find yourself stuck for writing inspiration, I hope it will help get your creative juice flowing.

Until next week,

Yours with much love always

Marie xxx