Day 4 #HAWMC


Do you remember the day you were diagnosed?

I still find it hard to believe it is twelve years since I was diagnosed with breast cancer, but I remember every detail of that day so clearly.  I remember the sense of shock, and truthfully I had no idea what questions I should be asking. The questions came later.

I remember walking back out into a waiting room full of other women and thinking this is like some kind of bad-luck lottery.  No one knew sitting in that room which of us would walk away that day with the life-changing news that we had cancer.

I had no idea what was ahead of me and when I think back now, I wish I could go back in time to share with my 32-year old self what the coming months and years would teach me. There were questions I should have asked and decisions I should have made which would have made a difference to my treatment and to rest of my life.

But I would have to learn these the hard way.

How about you? What do you remember about the day of your diagnosis?