Motivation Monday

Introducing a new feature on Journeying Beyond Breast Cancer

Motivation Monday

I want to start off each week with some motivation and inspiration to help set the tone for the week ahead of us.  If there is something you would like to see featured on Monday Motivation, please leave a link in the comments below.

In this video,  Harold W. Becker shares that unconditional love is unconditional compassion. We are such amazing beings of potential. At our core center, we have a spark of life filled with infinite love. Over eons of time and for countless reasons, we have forgotten the importance of being present in the moment and to stay connected with this limitless love. Outer conditions are merely calling to us to take down our self created barriers and to love once more without reservation or hesitation. We take the first step by having unconditional compassion for our own journey. Compassion is the key that unlocks our collective potential to heal our world and restore the love that is at the heart of all creation. When we know we have love in our heart, unconditional compassion becomes as natural as breathing.