Weekly Round Up – The Cancer Is Never Done With You Edition

girl_with_lassoTime for this week’s round-up of the best of the blog posts which I’ve read over the past week. These are the posts that have moved me, taught me something, inspired me, and which I’ve wanted to share with you. Don’t forget if you have written a post which you would like readers to see, just leave a comment below.

I try each week to group your blogs according to themes and this week it was very easy as so many of you have been writing about how once you have been diagnosed with cancer, no matter what the outcome, it lurks in the background or in the words of The Sarcastic Boob:

The best description of a chronic disease was when Eddie Murphy, in his raunchy stand up movie Delirious, described herpes: “You keep that shit forever.  Like luggage.”  Damn, I’ve got luggage all right.

Part of the luggage for many of us is depression – the theme of My Heart Sisters excellent post – When Survivors Feel Depressed Instead Of Lucky.

Audrey has written on mothers and daughters and our recent #BCCEU tweet chat in which she asked the assistant director of research for Breakthrough Breast Cancer , Julia Wilson, what reassurance could she give mothers and daughters in the future when it comes to advances in breast cancer research.

Her reply was “our commitment we are ready to pick off different types of breast cancer one by one and stop mothers and daughter dying”.

We passionately wish for that day to come soon! If you want a reminder of why we wish it, read Anne Marie’s blog on National Cancer Research Month; Susan’s frustration;  Lisa Bonchek Adam’s powerful post on life’s expiration date; Lori on vaccines;  Yvonne on how cancer is no longer the black and white issue she once thought it was;  Renn’s list of 9 of her favorite metastatic breast cancer bloggers,  Beth and Nancy on why we are never done with cancer.

Elsewhere in the blogosphere…

Yvonne’s latest post “breaking bad news and long-distance love” packs a punch.

Chris is writing on my favourite topic – the blogging revolution in healthcare.

Eileen has written a great post on dealing with chemo-brain at work.

Florence writes about why she is running for her life.

Philippa has written beautifully on the themes of birth, death, growth and renewal:

Tiny buds on the trees,  little shoots of grasses pushing through the ground, delighted white fluffy lambs appearing freshly laundered as they scampered around the hillsides, prolific spring daffodil bulbs and new wild flowers shivering in the winds. Reminding me of the precarious balance that is life and death.

And the theme of spring is echoed in Victoria’s blog and  Pasha celebrating “Beltane, the Celtic Fire Festival that marks the first day of summer, in the ancient Celtic calendar – a “festival of optimism”.

“How do you hedge living and dying?” asks Lauren in a welcome return to the blogosphere. She offers some suggestions:

It all comes down to the old quote, “You better get busy living or get busy dying.” The only thing I know for sure is when we are busy living, the sweet is sweeter.

And thanks to Lauren I can end on a quote this week from my favorite poet, Mary Oliver…

“listen–are you breathing just a little, and calling it a life?”

Until next week.

Breathe. Live. Love.

Marie xxx