Weekly Round-Up

girl_with_lassoI am attempting to pick up the threads of my life again..back to work and old routines this week. I still feel raw and vulnerable and a sense of unreality pervades life. For the first time in almost two months I have delved back in to your blogs and it has been wonderful to catch up. I didn’t intend to resume my regular blogging routine (thanks to all your standing in the gap posts of which I have plenty still lined up waiting in the wings to see me through) but, reading through your posts,  I felt compelled to reinstate the weekly round-up again and so here it is.

Honest and informative, Nancy has been writing about her breast reconstruction, a topic that Bringing Up Goliath and Chemobrain are also dealing with this week while over at Bumpy Boobs  Catherine is dealing with the subject of genetic testing and The Pink Underbelly is coping with lympedema.

In her blog, After Five Years, Lauren is reflecting on her journey with cancer and the importance of striving to live a fearless life and Renn has discovered a really great visual metaphor to depict our cancer journey – check out Land of Confusion on her blog.

Both Debbie and Jackie are in Christmas holiday mode on their blogs, but for those of us who are feeling a little blue as the holiday season approaches, Terri has some compassionate and sound advice on her blog.

Finally, I leave you this week with a touching post from chemobabe who, while her own active cancer treatment has ended and she is moving on with her life, still finds it important to connect with others at different points on the same journey.

These relationships are rewarding. They help me harvest the wisdom of my experience and share it with those who are earlier on. They allow me to learn from others whose experiences differ from my own, putting my own in perspective and helping me better understand. But mostly, we lend each other support. We celebrate good news and send comfort with the bad. It takes time, yes. But it is time well spent.

She speaks for so many of us who value and nurture these relationships we have made online on our own journeys and this seems another fitting opportunity to thank you all for the support and friendship you have shown me over the past few difficult weeks. It has been such a great help and comfort.

Love Marie x