Weekly Round-Up

Happy Sunday, dear readers! It’s time to dive into another roundup of the best from the world of blogs.

Let’s start with a must-read post from Nancy on how to love your post-mastectomy body (when you really don’t).

Next up, Carolyn’s latest post discusses the concept of “Greiner Zanner,” a term rooted in 15th-century Germany for a person who complains a lot and highlights the impact of complaining on others, as it can draw us into a cycle of negativity.

Barbara is reflecting on the decline of the once-common courtesy of honoring one’s word.

Learn about contrast-enhanced mammography on the SBC blog.

Jennifer offers advice on staying organized during breast cancer treatment, focusing on managing the details effectively.

Finally this week, I leave you with a gorgeous sunflower painted by the talented Beth.

Yours with much love always

Marie xxx