Weekly Round-Up


Time for this week’s round-up of the best of the blog posts which I’ve read over the past week. These are the posts that have moved me, taught me something, inspired me, and which I’ve wanted to share with you. Don’t forget if you have written a post which you would like readers to see, just leave a comment below.

I’m starting off this week’s round-up with some sad news. I can hardly bear to announce another death in our community, but sadly this week we lost two strong voices in the metastatic breast cancer world. Nancy honors the memory of Uzma Yunus with a review of her recently published memoir, Left Boob Gone Rogue:  My Life with Breast Cancer and Terri writes in memory of her friend Valerie Hewson Wright. It’s a sad note to begin on, but it’s also the hard reality for those who are living in the metastatic breast cancer community.

Carrying on the theme of bereavement, Charlotte guest blogs at Ticking Off Breast Cancer on the topic of bereavement and cancer. It’s a beautiful post and I encourage you to read it.

Becky takes up a question posed by Nancy on her blog, What’s wrong with a survivorship badge anyways? Her response ties in with the opening of this week’s round-up.

I took on the survivor label after treatment because it is the term that everyone uses. After watching my friend die, I feel more like a survivor. I am here, she is not. Part of my role as a survivor is to hold her in my memory. I am thankful for our friendship. My survivor badge is one that contains the memories of all the friends that I have today because of my cancer diagnosis – and the friends I have lost. I think I have earned that badge many times over.

How can you make peace with chronic illness? Karin provides some answers in her latest Dear Karin post.

Introducing a new blog to the round-up this week  –Sarah’s Breast Cancer Journey.

Amy shares a video on the importance of speaking to AND staying in touch with a genetic counselor.

Looking for some healthy snacks this Super Bowl Sunday? Fab has you covered.

Ilene shares a super graphic on caregivers.

Another super information post from Cathy this week on the link between breast cancer and heart disease.

A revealing post from Johanna on how a diagnosis of cancer impacts on finances and financial planning.

Dr Attai looks at the science behind recent headlines that a cure for cancer is imminent.

Loved reading Connie‘s latest post on chance encounters leading to life-long friendships.

A wonderfully immersive post from Carolyn this week on art therapy and illness.

Barbara writes the week on why asking questions about cancer can be really hard – especially during those times when we don’t even know what to ask.

After five years, Margaret is breaking up with Tamoxifen.

Nice post from Claudia on the joy of reading.

Finally, this week’s writing prompt is inspired by Lisa Valentine’s Habitual Gratitude blog.

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Until next week,

Yours with much love always,

Marie xxx