Weekly Round Up

girl_with_lassoTime for this week’s round-up of the best of the blog posts which I’ve read over the past week. These are the posts that have moved me, taught me something, inspired me, and which I’ve wanted to share with you. Don’t forget if you have written a post which you would like readers to see, just leave a comment below.

Big questions pepper the blogosphere this week. Audrey is reflecting on the kind of world we would all like to live in, while Chris shares his thoughts on connecting with people on a deeper level.

Meanwhile Debbie recommends saying a hearty yes to life’s adventures, which reminds me of my friend Terri, who isn’t afraid to say that yes in her life. But living the dream can come at a price, and she shares a little about the dark side of big dreams.  I love how Terri never shies away from showing her vulnerability and this is something which is also a topic under discussion at Gabby’s blog.

Part of the price we pay for living our dreams is disappointment and Rhona has an illuminating piece on the psychology of disappointment on Candida Abrahamson’s blog. Perhaps the answer lies in learning to embrace our imperfections and taking life a little more as it comes as per the discussions on  The Pink Underbelly and Julia’s blogs this week.

Philippa is finally off on her much needed-vacation and her account of a pre-vacation visit to a spa reminds us of all of the need to treat ourselves to life’s little luxuries every now and then. And Victoria is back in her American homeland for her vacation.

Information on Nancy’s blog about her useful guide to getting through chemotherapy which is also featured on Dr Kathleen Hoffman’s blog this week.

Grief, anger, isolation, and the need for control – issues we encounter through the cancer experience and wonderfully dealt with this week by Elizabeth, Eileen , Beth and Telling Knots on their respective blogs.

Finally this week, I, along with so many friends in the blogosphere are heartsore at the news that Catherine is dealing with a major set-back in her health. This is the news we have all been dreading, and I join with everyone who has sent Catherine their prayers and best wishes. It is so hard to know what to say at times like this but I think Lisa Millar’s comment captures what is in our collective hearts:

-Keep you energy up.
-Keep those positive thoughts reverberating throughout your body.
-Know how much we are all thinking of you. And Zsolt, even though some of us haven’t met him.

-Will do the crying for you.
-Are pulling for you in every way, around every corner.
-Will hold you tight in our cosmic hugs.

Until next week.

Yours with love

Marie xxx