7 Reasons Why I Love Twitter

Twitter is seven years old today, so I thought I would celebrate the occasion with 7 reasons why I love Twitter.

1. I first met so many of you reading this right now on Twitter #top #reason

2. Tweet Chats #BCSM #BCCEU #HCSMCA

3. It’s great for my insomnia! There’s always someone to talk to 24/7

4. Twitter keeps me plugged into the latest health research

5. I can connect directly with  global advocates and healthcare professionals

6. It’s a twitterific learning tool

7. Great way to crowdsource opinions and mobilize action

So there you have it 7 reasons why I love Twitter. It is my number one social media networking platform and since joining it in 2008, my love affair with Twitter has grown alongside my list of friends from all over the world. Are you on Twitter? What do you like about it most? I would love to hear your thoughts.