Celebrating World Book Day

To celebrate World Book Day, here is a repost from last year.

Journeying Beyond Breast Cancer

I don’t have ugly ducklings turning into swans in my stories. I have ugly ducklings turning into confident ducks.” ~  Maeve Binchy

I was deeply saddened to hear last night of the passing of the beloved Irish author, Maeve Binchy. Although, I had long since grown out of her books, I still remember the thrill and excitement of reading her first novel, Light A Penny Candle, when I was a teenager. Here were characters talking in our Irish idiom, living lives we could identify with. She opened the door to a whole new generation of confident Irish female writers. Later, I found great joy in reading her regular Irish Times columns with her own unique outlook on life. I have such lovely memories of reading these pieces aloud to my mother on a Saturday evening. I remember my Mum’s tears of laughter at one particular piece as Maeve described watching two daughters hilariously patronising their aged…

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