Health Activist Writer’s Month Challenge Day 28 #HAWMC

Day 28 of the WEGO Health Activist Writer’s Month which I have signed up for – a month dedicated to the art of writing about health. 

Today’s writing prompt:

The First Time I… Write a post about the first time you did something. What is it? What was it like? What did you learn from it?

The first time I wrote a blog post was February 4, 2009. It was a post about World Cancer Day, and looking back on what I wrote today, I can see how little I knew about writing a good blog post! I have no images, nothing of value or nothing personal to add to the stark facts, and don’t quite seem to have the hang of hyperlinking. Not surprisingly I have no comments..and I am sure if I look back at it, I probably had no views either. I really wasn’t sure where I was going with this blogging thing, and if you had asked me then if I was going to stick with it, I probably would have said, I don’t think so.

Fast forward three years, and I am still amazed at how far I have come on my blogging journey.  Not only has it been my therapy,  my comfort during dark times, brought new wonderful friendships into my life, but it has even given me a whole new career in social media. This week I got the news that my business blog has been nominated for ‘Best Blog of a Business’ in this year’s social media awards – I guess I got the hang of blogging after all!

When I wrote that first blog post, I had no idea I was taking the first faltering step on an exciting new adventure. So, what have I learned? Get out there and try something new. It may just lead you somewhere wonderful.