Weekly Round-Up

girl_with_lassoTime for the weekly round-up of blogs.  These are the posts that have moved me, taught me something, inspired me, and which I’ve wanted to share with you. Just click on the highlighted links to read the posts. Don’t forget if you have written a post which you would like readers to see,  just leave a comment below.

Starting you off with two new blogs for the round-up this week. Chez from the UK has been blogging about the SCAR Project, fear, and finishing breast cancer treatment and finding her “new normal”. Someone who hasn’t quite finished her treatment yet, is Mary, who blogs at the wonderfully named, Last Call for Margaritas. Mary has been having a tough summer with treatment, so please do drop by her blog and share some encouragement with her.

Debbie from Where We Go Now,  Anne Marie  who blogs at Chemobrain and Kathi aka The Accidental Amazon have all been writing on the theme of surviving hurricane Irene this past week and Irene also inspired Brenda to reflect on the similarities between cancer and the hurricane in her latest post, Breast Cancer Families in the Eye of the Storm.

Rachel Pappas has some very useful information for US based readers who are worried or have been affected by legal and insurance issues arising from a cancer diagnosis. I stopped by the Cancer Legal Resource Center (CLRC) information stand back in February this year when I attended the YSC conference for younger women and I was impressed with the literature and advice available.

Tami is reminding us all of the importance of following a healthy eating and exercise regime, particularly as research points more and more to a lifestyle link to cancer.

Coco’s guest post,  really struck a chord with so many of you this week and thank you all for your fantastic comments. Coco’s theme has been reflected in posts by both Katie, Laurie and Sarah.

For me, the post that stuck a cord most this week was Beth’s story of coming to terms with chemo-induced  infertility and the heartwarming story of adopting her gorgeous little girl from China.

You will never forget the day you heard those fateful words “you have cancer” and this is the theme that Lauren, in her own inimitable way, is writing about this week.

In Why is Everyone So Honked off with Komen, Jackie weighs in on a debate that has been raging through the blogosphere over the past few months. Her post is in the form of an open letter to the Komen organization and Jackie asks her questions and makes her comments in a respectful and well measured way and once again, I stand in awe of the articulate, intelligent and empowered bloggesses that I am proud to have come to know over the past year. These are women who do the research and fearlessly tells it like it is and it seems I am not alone in my admiration, as Philippa has also been writing about this, among other things,  in her latest post.

I am really so excited reading  A Fresh Chapter, as Terri chronicles her first steps at making her big audacious dream come through. She is at that wonderful first stage of dreaming and planning and imagining, and while this stage is magical, it is also very fragile, so please, please do shoot on over to her blog and give her lots of encouragement.

And speaking of infectious excitement, Catherine has arrived back home to live in Canada, and she is very, very, happy this week 🙂

And finally to my “stunning post of the week award” and it goes to Renn at The Big C and Me. Just wait until you see her wonderful photographs and read her beautiful post. It really lifted me out of the ordinary and this week I’d like to read you with a prose piece courtesy of Renn and from the pen of Hamlin Garland, a writer I hadn’t come across before, but am curious to find out more about now that I’ve read this:

I remember a hundred lovely lakes, and recall the fragrant breath of pine and fir and cedar and poplar trees. The trail has strung upon it, as upon a thread of silk, opalescent dawns and saffron sunsets. It has given me blessed release from care and worry and the troubled thinking of our modern-day. It has been a return to the primitive and the peaceful. Whenever the pressure of our complex city life thins my blood and benumbs my brain, I seek relief in the trail; and when I hear the coyote wailing to the yellow dawn, my cares fall from me — I am happy.

May this week find your cares fall from you and may you find a way to return to peace and happiness on your own trail….

Love Marie xxx