Guest Post: Sing to Live

Today's guest writer - Melinda Pollack-Harris

August 10, 2004 was the day my life was redirected. It was the day I was told abnormal cells were found in a recent biopsy. I was told I needed surgery and radiation treatments. It wasn’t until radiation was mentioned that I asked the radiologist, “Is this breast cancer?” She said, “I’m afraid so. She quickly proceeded to tell me that the cancer was found very early, the tumor very small and if anyone were to get breast cancer, the type I have is the ‘best’ kind to have. She also said that while this is difficult news, it should prove to be a ‘blip’ in my life. I decided at that moment to trust what she told me and to proceed with that thought in mind.

As my journey as a breast cancer patient began, I sought out others that had experienced or were experiencing what I was going through. While I had unlimited support from family, friends and work, there’s nothing like talking to someone who’s been there so I sought out support groups. I found that these support groups offer wonderful programs that provide cancer patients and survivors a welcomed distraction. What I found glaringly missing, for me, was an interactive musical outlet. I was very surprised to see this type of activity missing since music is such a healing activity. I did some further research on a variety of support groups and found there were, in fact, no interactive musical offerings available. So, to fill this void I decided to start a chorus myself. I spoke with family and friends about “this idea I have” and received a lot of encouragement. The Sing to Live® Community Chorus was born.

We will be entering into our 7th season in August and will be starting our second chorus. One is in Central Chicagoland and our new chorus will be on the North Shore. We will start this season with approximately 90 singers (men and women). We’re not your typical chorus (classical, liturgical). Quite the contrary. We sing a wide variety of music.

If you or someone you know: lives in the Chicagoland area, loves to sing, and has passion for our mission (visit – SING WITH US!! Call 773-250-SING! Our season begins August 16, so call TODAY! We’d love to have you sing with us.

Breast cancer changed my life forever and in profound ways. I learned what was important in my life, learned to incorporate what I love in my life (things, people, work) and try to live each day to its fullest. Music has made my journey more joyful, hopeful, and worthwhile. Visit for more information about our chorus. If you live in the Chicagoland area, JOIN US!

For more information visit