Weekly Round-Up

Time for this week’s round-up of the best blog posts I’ve read over the past week. These posts have moved me, taught me something, inspired me, and I’ve wanted to share them with you. Don’t forget that if you have written a post you want readers to see, just leave a comment below.

Happy 4th July weekend to our American readers! Here’s an Independence Day themed post to start us off from Barbara.

Connie shares evocative memories of family picnics in her latest lyrical post.

Terri has posted a book review of Sara Liyanage’s new book After Breast Cancer.

To celebrate Pride, Shine Cancer Support’s podcast this month discusses how to navigate the desire to go OUT OUT for Pride while also managing cancer and all the things that brings with it.

OurMBCLife features an interview with Kelly Crump who talks about her experience modeling for Sports Illustrated as a woman with MBC and how an iconic magazine cover page came to be.

Finding Your New Normal: 7 Steps To Navigating Life After Cancer – my latest Patient Empowerment Network article has been published.

Carolyn shares what she wishes she knew back when she was having her heart attack.

What makes someone high risk for breast cancer recurrence? Find out in the SBC blog.

Gabby writes about environmental toxins and carcinogens.

Sarah describes the debilitating fatigue she is experiencing on chemo.

Finally this week, a moving and heartfelt post from Abigail as she reflects on six years since she received her MBC diagnosis and ends her post with a plea to reach out:

Consider how you could reach out to just one person who is struggling/suffering right now or their caregiver(s). A card, a text, a call, an email … something. For those of us who live with our trauma, day in and day out, others often forget about that daily slog. Take a moment and reach out, make a connection, tell someone you are thinking about them.

Until next week,

Yours with much love always

Marie xxx