Weekly Round-Up: Coronavirus Part 3 Edition


Time for this week’s round-up of the best of the blog posts which I’ve read over the past week. These are the posts that have moved me, taught me something, inspired me, and which I’ve wanted to share with you. Don’t forget if you have written a post which you would like readers to see, just leave a comment below.

How are you all doing at this time?

In Ireland, we are in full lockdown mode and I have to admit, that even though I am used to being on my own for long periods of time, I struggled quite a bit this past week with isolation and loneliness. Like Britt, I am missing meeting up my girlfriends hugely.

Thank heaven for social media and for messenger apps – they are my lifeline right now.  As Terri writes in  her latest post on leaning  on our communities, “all we can do is try to stay connected with each other the best way we know how via online apps, groups, and mobile connectedness.”

At the same time, I can’t help but agree with the Cancer Curmudgeon when she writes about the invasive nature of endless alerts and zoom meetings for those of us working from home. Again, I’m used to working from home, but many of my clients aren’t and see this as an opportunity to schedule meeting after meeting to discuss.. well, basically not much.

For many of you reading this, social isolation and the daily anxiety that comes with cancer is nothing new. You live this reality every day. What is new,  is that the world is getting a taste of what life is like for you. In the words of Danielle, “the world of the well is learning the ways of the sick.” Katy, who has resurrected her blog to write about the current global crisis, echoes this when she writes “I am used to “this” being me, not everyone around me. I am not used to all of society having to learn how to cope.”

Liz too writes of how “cancer patients are better prepared than most” for this crisis.

We know the horrors that are on the horizon, the losses, the grief, the regrouping and the resiliency.  We know that there are some things, no matter how hard you try, no matter how many good decisions you make, you still can’t protect yourself from. We know how to live in a world that doesn’t have answers.

See also Nancy Seibel on 5 things she learned from cancer that help in the pandemic and Chris on the gift that keeps on giving.

The reality of living life as a mother with advanced breast cancer is shared by Maureen in a guest post for the Institute of Cancer Research.

Most mothers don’t wonder whether they’re still going to be alive in three or four or five years’ time to attend the graduation ceremonies of the sons and daughters they recently waved off to uni for the first time.

I’m not most mothers. And I’m wondering just that.

I don’t think I’m being dramatic. That’s the reality of living with incurable cancer. That’s the reality of knowing that, at the age of 56, your likely life expectancy is in single years rather than in decades.

While Lisa shares a list of helpful resources for patients with breast cancer during Covid-19, Yvonne shares critical advice from a doctor working on the frontlines in the ER about how we can stay safe and protect others, and Carolyn warns against following bogus advice at this time.

I’ve put together a collection of tips and advice curated from our online community on practicing self-care during this crisis   Practicing Self Care In The Time of Coronavirus – How To Mind Your Mental Health And Well-Being During Covid-19. contains some beautiful quotes and wisdom and I hope you’ll find some time to read it.

Margaret makes a plea for everyone to follow advice, stay home, and stay safe.

Beth writes a quarantine-inspired poem.

Sandra reflects on how much is enough.

Tips from Lisa Valentine on dealing with anxiety.

Information from Karin on an upcoming Cancer and Coronavirus webinar.

Naomi faces a change in her living situation because of coronavirus.

Cathy shares tips on how to tap into resilience at this time  and Connie offers us hope in our beautiful post “Waiting For The Bluebirds.”

Elsewhere in the blogosphere…

A beautiful post from Abigail on being there for each other.

I cannot say strongly enough that to enter into someone else’s life is a gift of incalculable value. To be seen, truly seen, is rare. To be supported, exactly where you are, warts and imperfections and all, is the most healing thing that’s ever happened to me.

Do you have lymphedema brought on by your breast cancer surgery, radiation therapy or other treatment, or do you worry you might yet develop it? Nancy Stordahl answers your questions on lymphedema in her latest post.

Julia shares healthy eating tips for cancer patients.

Megsie goes back in time to her senior year of high school.

Finally this week, I’ll leave you with some uplifting words from Katie Edick

These times are uncertain for sure. I am hoping this is just a small blip in our lives. Make the most of the time you have been granted with your family. Children remember the feelings of an event more than the event itself. Make this time feel amazing. Fill it with love, laughter, joy and hope. We all can do hard things. I know we can make it through this coming out stronger and wiser on the other side.

Until next week,

Stay safe,

Yours with much love always,

Marie xxx