Weekly Round-Up


Time for this week’s round-up of the best of the blog posts which I’ve read over the past week. These are the posts that have moved me, taught me something, inspired me, and which I’ve wanted to share with you. Don’t forget if you have written a post which you would like readers to see, just leave a comment below.

We’re in the last week of Pintober aka Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  While Wendi writes of her loathing for catchy breast cancer awareness slogans, Nancy asks if we’ve reached the point of awareness saturation, Abigail continues to share MBC facts, and Dr Attai provides an update on male breast cancer mortality rates.

Maureen celebrates family milestones in her latest reflective post.

Writing about chronic illness, Naomi‘s words will resonate with many readers here:

The change of chronic illness has ripped away so many of the parts of me that my family and friends are probably struggling to recognise this person who looks and sounds the same.

Lovely post from Nancy Seibel on loss and hope.

Carolyn writes about the “new normal” in her latest post and why it’s a term many patients hate.

Julia takes us on a trip to Rome in the latest extract from her memoir.

Cathy shares 13 truths about breast cancer everyone should know.

Barbara shares information on the updated Breast Advocate app, available for free download.

In her latest post, Janet charts the loss and regrowth of hair during and after treatment. See also Megsie‘s hair-themed post too.

Beautiful post from Johanna on the liminality of a metastatic breast cancer diagnosis.

Advice for the newly diagnosed breast cancer patient from Ilene this week.

I’ve written a post for the Patient Empowerment Network on ten things I wish I had known when I was first diagnosed with breast cancer. You can find it here.

An interesting post from Chris explaining why he things “we should look differently at how we ‘market’ cancer

A post this week from Connie on getting away to find nurturing.

Finally, this week, if you are self-employed and affected by cancer, then Karin wants to help raise awareness of what you do. Find out more details on her blog.

Until next week,

Yours with much love always,

Marie xxx