Weekly Round Up: The Mixed Feelings Edition

Time for this week’s round-up of the best of the blog posts which I’ve read over the past week. These are the posts that have moved me, taught me something, inspired me, and which I’ve wanted to share with you. Don’t forget if you have written a post which you would like readers to see, just leave a comment below.

It seems that many of you are entering 2017 with mixed feelings about what lies ahead. SusanKatieBrandieTracy,  LisaNancy and Elizabeth all write of their mixed feelings at the start of a new year. Meanwhile Audrey has written a most wonderful “corrective” to the global upheaval of last year.

I love that Fiona‘s jar of good things has already started to fill up with happy memories.

I’ve written before about the truly awful way cancer is turned into a hierarchy of who has it the worst. Susan takes up the theme with her latest post asking if there are different degrees of terminal diagnosis?

Is one person who manages to live four years into a diagnosis less allowed to be afraid than someone who doesn’t get diagnosed before their cancer has metastasized to their bones, brain, liver, kidneys or another organ?

Jo shares a detailed post on the side effects of surgery and chemotherapy.

Elaine advises on a question every patient should ask her surgeon before breast cancer surgery. It’s certainly a question I wish I had known to ask as it would have caused me to make a different choice back then.

Super post by Carolyn on moving from novice to expert patient.

Terri Wingham unveils a new look for A Fresh Chapter.

Interesting post by Caroline on sensitivity and expertise.

Informative post by Margaret on the role of a hospital navigator.

Finally for those of us in colder, northern climes, it’s a welcome break to be transported visually to the gorgeousness of Hawaii, courtesy of Eileen.


Until next week,

Yours with love

Marie xxx