Weekly Round Up

girl_with_lassoTime for this week’s round-up of the best of the blog posts which I’ve read over the past week. These are the posts that have moved me, taught me something, inspired me, and which I’ve wanted to share with you. Don’t forget if you have written a post which you would like readers to see, just leave a comment below.

Jen has put together a poignant round-up of tweets and thoughts on the death of Lisa Adams.

As part of Rebecca Hogue’s blog mentoring program,  Nancy offers advice on whether to blog or not, while Beth shares her blogging inspiration.

I just loved hearing the story and seeing the pictures of Elizabeth‘s second chance at attending her prom,

I missed my first chance at prom because I was afraid. I could have missed my second chance by being self-conscious about my body, my age, or being the only person on the dance floor. But I didn’t miss it and I had the time of my life with the man I love.

Jan defiantly marks another milestone in her quest for remission and thoughts go out to Anna and Catherine  coming to terms with the reality of the rollercoaster they were are both on.

Last Sunday was Mother’s Day here in Ireland and the UK and both Rosie and Alice have written heartfelt tributes to their respective Mums.

How many of your friends turned out not to be true friends when you had cancer? How many stuck around? This theme is explored on the Young Women’s Breast Cancer Blog UK this week.

A selection of guest posts on Justine’s Ever Upward blog this week – worth checking out.

Susanne is looking for some help to attend the LBBC Metastatic Breast Cancer Conference – an event which Susan is also looking forward to attending.

JoAnn reflects on the year she has had and looks for the blessings in it.

Stunning photographs and a beautiful reminder to be in the moment courtesy of Philippa.

Carolyn was interviewed by Lara for Mets Monday.

Rachel has advice on dealing with chemobrain.

Renee has been celebrating her wedding anniversary.

A beautiful celebration of motherhood and tradition from Yvonne Watterson.

Glorious blooms on the Seasoned Sistah blog.

If anyone is in a dark place right now, head on over to Laurel’s blog for a pep talk.

Dr Elaine Schattner shares an alarming fact – recent studies of mammography use shockingly old data.

Finally this week, I leave you with a thought on self-compassion via the Yes To Life blog (as a companion piece read Anne Serry on not being ourselves up)

What would happen if we applied to ourselves the gentleness we would express in letting a butterfly land on our hand or letting a baby sleep in our arms? Would we find our inner world starting to transform? Would this new way of being start to escape into the outer world and alight on things present there too?

Until next week,

Be kind to one another..and yourselves.

Yours with love

Marie xxx