Weekly Round Up

girl_with_lassoTime for this week’s round-up of the best of the blog posts which I’ve read over the past week. These are the posts that have moved me, taught me something, inspired me, and which I’ve wanted to share with you. Don’t forget if you have written a post which you would like readers to see, just leave a comment below.

The second week of a new year is well underway and inevitably many of your blogs still reflect new year thoughts and resolutions – Nancy and Philippa share their three words to guide the year ahead while Renee shares her three goals;  Tric has a timely reminder about change; Jackie celebrates a positive start to the new year; Caroline resolves to take back her life; Jamie aims to resume blogging; Ann Marie plans to focus on her mental health; and Becky is ready to move on.

Elsewhere in the blogosphere…

The “best way to die” debate rumbles on; Elaine, Emily,  Lori and Pam all weigh in on with their thoughts.

Knot has a worry on her mind this week.

A searingly honest post on body-image and sexuality on the Love Conquers All blog.

Sharon writes a moving letter to her 29-year old self.

A beautiful tribute by Gary Thompson to the love of his life, his wife Maureen, whom he recently lost to breast cancer.

Great post by Beth on her reasons for blogging about her breast cancer experience.

Amy shares her latest BRCA Responder Weekly.

Start off 2015 with some healthy recipes from the Pink Kitchen and Tami Boehmer

Gayle Sulik reviews Sharlene Hesse-Biber’s new book Waiting for Cancer to Come which  offers insight into the complexity of living in a genomic age.

Good advice from Stacey on managing depression.

Helen shares the latest information on lymph node transplant.

Elissa is adjusting to life after treatment.

If you suffer from neuropathy you’ll certainly identify with Michelle’s post.

Karen shares her thoughts on how our breast cancer journey doesn’t end when treatment does; as a companion piece read Dawn’s Fallow Days and Dee’s Moving Forward And A Set Back and Chloe’s Reason Why.

Elizabeth‘s reflection on anxiety resonated with me this week.

Finally this week, for those who may be struggling  I leave you with some inspiring words courtesy of Sarah (via Kylie Minnogue) The epic task of being brave is made that bit easier when there is hope; Terri – no matter what happens, you can handle itKaty You can go through hell and come back; and  Jen – You can get through any moment, and eventually, those moments add up and you’re on the other side of whatever awful thing you were facing.

Until next week,

Hang on in there.

Yours with love

Marie xxx