Weekly Round-Up

Happy Sunday, dear readers! It’s time to dive into another roundup of the best from the world of blogs.

This week, Becky is managing the side effects of Trastuzumab, seeking balance, and welcoming the summer season.

Barbara has been focusing on maintaining objectivity in her thought process and ensuring that emotions do not obscure her judgment.

Beth introduces us to a new series of her art, inspired by her experiences with breast cancer.

Connie reflects on the pilgrimage within and how to rest in the tensions of life.

Terri‘s latest post summarizes a DiepCJourney podcast where she talks about Breast Reconstruction Surgery in New Orleans at CRBS, the Center for Restorative Breast Surgery.

Jennifer is marking one year since the publication of her book “A Breast Cancer Journey: Living It One Step at a Time”

Carolyn reports on the findings from a survey on the response of women and their doctors to early cardiac symptoms.

Chris writes about the role of Big Pharma – friend or foe in his latest probing post.

The latest Our MBC Life podcast episode explores new therapies for MBC bone metastases.

Gabby offers tips on how to overcome the fear of cancer recurrence.

A post on nurse navigators on the SBC blog.

Congratulations to Nancy on the birth of her new granddaughter.

Finally this week, the ASCO Annual Meeting, which takes place from May 31st to June 4th, gathers over 30,000 oncologists, researchers, allied science professionals, and patient advocates. Dee, who is attending in person, is tweeting to X from various sessions using the hashtags #gyncsm and #ASCO24.

As always there’s much to explore in this week’s blog posts. I trust you found the curated selection insightful.

Yours with much love always

Marie xxx