Weekly Round-Up

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Time for this week’s round-up of the best of the blog posts which I’ve read over the past week. These are the posts that have moved me, taught me something, inspired me, and which I’ve wanted to share with you. Don’t forget if you have written a post which you would like readers to see, just leave a comment below.

What’s the difference between wellness and well-being, and does it really matter? Cathy provides some answers in her latest post.

A new post from Jen on sharing within your community when your world is turned upside down. 

Advice from Nancy Siebel on how to practice gratitude without forcing it.

Janet shares her survivorship care plan.

What’s it like living with the prospect of death on a daily basis? Ilene, in an uncompromisingly frank post, takes us through a day in her inner life.

Each time we lose another member of our community to this disease, it hurts like hell as Emily‘s latest post captures so eloquently.

An unflinching look at the rollercoaster of emotions a recent diagnosis of Stage IV cancer has taken Johanna on.   See also Abigail’s thoughts on expressing negativity online.

This week Kimberly writes about how her outlook on life has changed forever since her cancer diagnosis.

Barb is back in the blogosphere with an update on what’s been happening in her world.

Do you have a question about cancer? Karin is on hand to answer it for you.

A post by Carolyn which will resonate with all of us who see our lives clearly demarcated into “before” and “after” our cancer diagnosis.

Sarah enjoys a well-deserved holiday.

Beautiful rays of hope shining through Connie‘s latest post.

Claudia shares her experience of volunteering at a food pantry.

Both Philippa and Julia take us virtually with them on a magical train journey this week.

Great post from Terri on building trust through shared decision making with her breast reconstruction surgeon.

Barbara posts a personal reflection on the upcoming Labor Day holiday.

Jo shares a guest post from a fellow metastatic breast cancer patient on her experience of a Phase 1 clinical trial.

A wonderful post from Megsie on seeing herself reflected back in the mirror after months of cancer treatment altered her appearance.

Finally this week, I leave you with a writing prompt. Feel free to write about it (or share a picture) on your blog, or simply leave a comment below.

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Until next week,

Yours with much love always,

Marie xxx