Weekly Round-Up


Time for this week’s round-up of the best of the blog posts which I’ve read over the past week. These are the posts that have moved me, taught me something, inspired me, and which I’ve wanted to share with you. Don’t forget if you have written a post which you would like readers to see, just leave a comment below.

Introducing a new blog to the weekly round-up this week – The Cancer Bus. In Ilene’s own words:

I do not believe cancer is a “gift” or a “war.” It is not a choice I made nor a karmic wheel pinning me down. It’s an epidemic and I am 1:3 women who have or will become diagnosed with this shit. It’s incumbent on me to share of myself with anyone who cares to take a peak at the moments in my life by modality of essay, poem, rant, and above all love.  I give gratitude and positive stadium waves to you for your support, including those who remain strangers and those who become friends.

Terri Wingham is the founder and CEO of A Fresh Chapter, a non-profit whose mission is to heal the emotional scars of cancer through volunteerism, meaningful travel, and programs designed to reframe adversity and redefine what is possible. In her latest post, Terri shares seven lessons learned since her first Fresh Chapter adventure in South Africa.

It’s a sad time for Nancy as she says goodbye to two beloved pets.

Audrey writes honestly about a topic that is still so taboo in our society – death by suicide.

Some people think giving or receiving false hope is better than no hope but Karin disagrees and tells us why false hope is no hope in her latest post.

An exquisitely beautiful post from Elizabeth as she witnesses the depth of love and faith in her parents’ life together.

Uplifting blog from Uzma on recognizing the real beauty in herself.

Happy birthday to Renee who is celebrating turning 40 against the odds.

Susan Rahn shares a week in review at The Underbelly.

Connie is celebrating writing her 100th blog post this week!

Finally this week, I leave you with a reminder from Lisa to live this moment.

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Yours with much love always

Marie xxx