Weekly Round-Up: Illness As Metaphor


Time for this week’s round-up of the best of the blog posts which I’ve read over the past week. These are the posts that have moved me, taught me something, inspired me, and which I’ve wanted to share with you. Don’t forget if you have written a post which you would like readers to see, just leave a comment below. 

I’ve broken off my preparations for a talk I am giving this coming week at the European Cancer Association’s 11th European Breast Cancer Conference (EBCC-11) in Barcelona, to put together the weekly roundup.  I have decided to start off my talk with a quote from Susan Sontag from her essay Illness as Metaphor – so metaphors are very much on my mind – and I find they are on yours too.

First off, a lovely post from Juliet on growing seeds and the metaphor of blooming after cancer.  Katie has also written a lovely post on seeds… and icebergs, Meagan sees a metaphorical connection between load bearing walls and cancer, and Catherine is learning to dance in the rain.

My heart aches for Beth as the stress of watching her father die is exacerbated by the treatment of the medical profession.

Stephanie finds an echocardiogram to be a meditative experience this week.

Lymphedema is a life-altering condition which affects up to hundreds of millions worldwide, so why is it so misunderstood? Nancy asks and answers the question of why lymphedema is still such a mystery.

Dee shares a new report on the biopsychosocial distress associated with breast and gyny cancer.

Chris asks the question this week – are the giant cancer charities exhausting their trust?

Terri is celebrating three years writing about breast reconstruction on her blog.

Dr Deanna Attai shares her thoughts on direct to consumer genetic testing, as the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has just approved an at-home test for certain DNA abnormalities known to be associated with an increased risk of breast and ovarian cancer.  See also Dr Elaine Schattner on the news that medicare will cover genetic cancer testing, with caveats.

Finally this week, as Connie prepares for her yearly pilgrimage she reflects that at the heart of a pilgrim’s intention is having new eyes for seeing the sacred.  You don’t even have to travel away to experience the intention – having the intention can transform the everyday.

Having that same intention with new eyes for seeing the sacred, can transform a trip around your neighborhood—if your heart is open.

Until next week

May your hearts stay open

Yours with much love always

Marie xxx