Weekly Round-Up: Pinktober Begins Edition



Time for this week’s round-up of the best of the blog posts which I’ve read over the past week. These are the posts that have moved me, taught me something, inspired me, and which I’ve wanted to share with you. Don’t forget if you have written a post which you would like readers to see, just leave a comment below. 

So here we are again. The first day of Oct Pinktober. Wendi fires the first salvo with her #BreastCancerRealityCheck campaign: “We have to speak up, speak out, and try, TRY again, to inject some reality into this madness.”

AnnMarie challenges companies to put their pink money where their mouth is this October and profiles a company who is doing just that. See also Lisa’s thoughts on campaigns for raising money for MBC research,  Grace‘s investigation into the fundraising activities of the Dirty Girl Mud Run and the Underbelly‘s tips on how to think before you pink this month.

The blogosphere reacted this week to the news of Julia Louis-Dreyfus’ diagnosis of breast cancer. In the words of Stacey she “has just joined a community that she never wanted to join and therefore only partially understands and may not even know exists.” And Uzma reflects on the pressure that is already mounting on the actress to “beat cancer.”

So happy to see the outpouring of support for her. However what is even more upsetting is the pressure that is starting to mount on her.  Apparently “cancer doesn’t know who its messing with!”

Nancy introduces her sister Kay to us this week and interviews her about her decision to get tested for the BRCA2 mutation.

Good advice from Margaret on choosing the right surgeon.

Gorgeous reflection from Fiona on Autumn and accepting ourselves.

Rachael shares her ten tips for undergoing radiotherapy.

Great post by Catherine on challenging ourselves.

JoAnn looks back on five years of blogging.

Sally shares her experience of taking part in a two-day event called Younger Women Together, hosted by Breast Cancer Care for women under 45 with breast cancer.

Terri is busy preparing for her next conference. She is doing incredible work and clocking up those air-miles in her patient advocacy role. Go Terri!

Both Barbara and Philippa  recount their recent trips to Ireland.

A beautiful post by Karin on dying and dealing with grief.

Connie has made it to Iona on her pilgrimage.

Dee rounds off Ovarian Cancer Awareness month and Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Month with a wonderful quote:

“What will your verse be?
Each of us has something to share. A voice, a passion, a perspective. The potential to add a stanza to the world’s story.   …”

Finally, this week, echoing Dee, Stephanie writes on my favorite topic, the healing power of storytelling. I leave you with a quote from her blog which I think is particularly apt for all of you who blog about your experience.

If you ask me what I came in this life to do, I will tell you: I came to live out loud ~ Emile Zola

Until next week

Continue to live out loud!

Yours with love,

Marie xxx