Weekly Round Up


Time for this week’s round-up of the best of the blog posts which I’ve read over the past week. These are the posts that have moved me, taught me something, inspired me, and which I’ve wanted to share with you. Don’t forget if you have written a post which you would like readers to see, just leave a comment below.

A diagnosis of cancer is a traumatic event in anyone’s life and I don’t believe we can compare the level of trauma. Cancer is cancer, is cancer, and how you process that, regardless of the treatment you did/didn’t receive, can only be truly assessed according to your individual experience. Those were the thoughts I had several years ago when I asked the question, of whether there is a hierarchy among cancer survivors?   Beth Gainer writes on a similar theme in her latest blog, Competing in Cancerland, this time on the judgements passed on those who work through cancer and those who don’t.

And speaking of passing judgement, Uzma is furious with those who question her diet:

Go away with your judgmental attitude and thoughts about how I brought this upon my own cancer and take you and your self occupied interest of why I got cancer, with you. If you want to know, go find a research lab so you can help all of us who are stuck in the cancer world. I am so tired of your questions.

Sue is reflecting back on a year since her breast cancer diagnosis and Allie is marking her two-year cancerversary.

Congratulations to my friend Justine on the publication of her new book, The Mother of Second Chances, based on her Ever Upward blog.

Delightful thoughts on spring and rebirth from Susan Rosen.

Stephanie compassionately addresses the question of how long it takes to heal from grief.

As someone who has only just started to enjoy the benefits of the occasional afternoon nap, I really enjoyed Carolyn‘s latest post on the joy and virtues of napping.

Loving the new look A Fresh Chapter blog. Go see for yourself!

A powerful post by Felicity on having to put on a face and act normal in a world where normality no longer exists.

Can we really trust the doctor when he says everything will be alright? Kimberly is cautiously hopeful.

Catherine has written her own personal tribute to losing Mandi Hudson as a friend. And so hard as it is to read and contemplate, Nancy recalls all those wonderful, vibrant, vital women we have lost over  the past few years in the blogosphere.

I could so readily identify with Rosemary‘s sharp description of filing “through your brain for an answer” when that cognitive fog known as chemo-brain affects you.

Super interesting post by Grace on becoming a breast cancer feminist.

Finally this week, I leave you with this wonderful Charles Bukowski poem shared by Eileen as she starts her new adventure. Here’s my favorite way to listen to the poem, read by the inimitable Tom Waits.


Until next week,

“be on the watch.
the gods will offer you chances”

Yours with much love

Marie xxx