Latest update on our dear friend Karen

KSOur dear friend Karen has started treatment, and I know some of you may be wondering how it is going for her. With her permission, I am sharing Karen’s latest email update. 

I Made It!!!!  Had a mild allergic reaction – itchy mouth, ears, throat, eyes (and bottom! ) and cold, cold, chills.  the rituxan was immediately d/c’d, and I had a rapid flash cadre of six nurses to make sure all would continue well. I LOVE those nurses, they are SO good to me!  I was so amazed to feel the ick quickly recede – the chills stayed for about an hour, but ooooo, love those soft blankies from the nice warmer they fetched for me.  Adam had just texted me from work so I let him know – he was at my side quickly – and the nurses all gave him support and reassurance, and he stayed with me for as long as he was able before returning to work.  The nurses said we’d wait, run a different pre-med, then resume the rituxan – again very slowly.  I was fine, but just got a bit weary of sitting so long.  finally at about five pm it was all done, and Adam came to bring me home.  He helped with Sadie, took the trash to the curb, got the mail, and made sure I was okay.

I just awoke from a deep, delicious nap, with no side effects, and though still tired, at least i’m pretty sure I won’t have any problem sleeping tonight – so that’s good.

Thank you for your lovely notes and good wishes for me.  I feel so very optimistic and am wearing a beautiful, soft, golden mantle of love, peace, and gratitude.  Oh, and I forgot to mention – I removed 3 photos from our wedding album to show everyone, and kept them by my side as I was being treated.  Made me and everyone else smile and give me hugs – they all knew Hugh, and I was so happy that they got to see my knight in shining armor, and hear all the oooos and ahhhs, and share a lot of  happy memories.