Weekly Round Up

girl_with_lassoTime for this week’s round-up of the best of the blog posts which I’ve read over the past week. These are the posts that have moved me, taught me something, inspired me, and which I’ve wanted to share with you. Don’t forget if you have written a post which you would like readers to see, just leave a comment below.

I can’t believe I forgot to include Justine in last week’s Mother’s Day round-up! As I have written here many times, Justine’s blog has been a source of wisdom, understanding and compassion to those of us who feel the pain of infertility. So belatedly, but nonetheless relevant, I include Justine‘s Mother’s Day post this week. And this seems like a good time to say again, that in trying to juggle so many blogs in the round-up, inevitably I miss out on someone, so please do leave a link to your blog if I have missed it in this week’s Round-Up.

Lots of reminders in the blogosphere this week.

A reminder by Elizabeth, that even thought it may feel like it’s a long time coming, healing does happen and a lovely post on the Beauty Despite Cancer blog on finding your healing place.

Both Sharon and Debbie remind us of the necessity of acknowledging our sadness and fear.

Another powerful reminder by Nancy that you are not your disease while Knot and Beth that platitudes just don’t cut it.

I loved the story Audrey shared which reminds us that no man is an island and how we need to reach out to alleviate loneliness in this world; and a similar reminder by Dawn of taking time to be there for others.

Dee reminds us of the power of gratitude.

A glimpse into the brief world of one of Catherine‘s fictional “Claires” and a reminder of just what a great writer Catherine is.

If you don’t already know the background story that led to Terri creating A Fresh Chapter, there’s a reminder in The Truth About My Broken Heart, Cancer, And How Africa Healed Them Both.

Elsewhere in the blogosphere….

Jen shares her impressions and those of her team-mates after their epic Avon Breast Cancer Walk.

Beautiful reflections by Jan on caring for someone who is dying.

It has been a frightening week for Katy as her daughter is taken into hospital – good to know she is doing ok now Katy.

Advice on The Risky Body on not buying into cancer consumerism.

A delicious healthy recipe for Raspberry Muffins on the Pink Kitchen blog.

A post on the “battling cancer” metaphor on Cancer Is Not Pink.

Tips for coping with hair loss on the Living Beyond Breast Cancer blog and more hair-related blogging from ChloeSarah and Laurel.

Caroline Lee bids farewell to the BC blogosphere.

Carrie shares some tips for Moms with cancer and small children.

I could readily identify with Rebecca‘s post on cancer associations – those reminders that seem to be found in the most random of places.

Lulu on the “joys” of travelling and the TSA.

What might we learn from the early-stage breast cancer disclosures of Sandra Lee and Rita Wilson? Dr Elaine Schattner explores some answers.

Elissa is profiled on this week’s #BCSM blog.

I know the pain of letting go when your mother is dying, so I found Alice’s blog this week heartbreaking to read.

Chelsey reflects on a year post-surgery.

Tammy is celebrating becoming a grandmother. Congratulations Tammy!

In all the conflicting mass of health advice that exists, how do we know which to take? I love Caroline‘s response to this – do what feels right to you.

Finally this week, I want to leave you with some words from Anna‘s poignant writing on the pressure to build a legacy:

Letting go of the movie version of my life with terminal cancer allows space to live without the pressures of playing the role of tragic heroine. Space to accept that my life will not be tied up in a little pink bow. It will be incomplete and messy and I must find acceptance and beauty in this state of being.

Until next week,

Yours with love

Marie xxx