Weekly Round Up: The Catch-Up Edition

girl_with_lassoTime for this week’s round-up of the best of the blog posts which I’ve read over the past week. These are the posts that have moved me, taught me something, inspired me, and which I’ve wanted to share with you. Don’t forget if you have written a post which you would like readers to see, just leave a comment below.

It’s been so long since my last round-up — travel, work and life got in the way – so I am looking forward to catching up on what’s been happening with you since I’ve been away.

I’m not the only one who has been on her travels this past month – Jo has been to London and Audrey to Windsor – so if you fancy a virtual travelogue, do read their blogs.

I really enjoyed Kimberly‘s setting the record straight on Texas – especially as I just had my first visit there last month; and I smiled through my grimacing as I recognised Britt‘s account of her flying companion.

Emily is recovering from some recent surgery.

Rebecca contemplates her “stuck in-between two worlds haircut”.

A  thought-provoking post by Eileen on those who survived the Holocaust.

Margaret shares information on clinical trials for cancer patients.

Lulu’s post on the circle of life moved me to tears this week.

So good to see the return of Scorchy  and Sarah Dow to the blogosphere with updates on their health roller-coaster rides.

A lovely post by Tracy on living in the moment and living life to the fullest and as a companion piece read this timely reminder by Uzma to slow down and Kate‘s renewed promise to herself to “live the heck” out of life.

Barbara addresses the important issue of heart health after cancer.

Lori shares her reasons for continuing to be a cancer advocate.

I always appreciate Dr Elaine Schattner‘s balanced thinking on important topical issues – and once again her latest article on the benefits (or not) of breast cancer screening is another good example.

Stop faking cancer folks, or karma could come bite you on the proverbial! That’s the clear message in Lara‘s excellent expose of cancer fakers.

Dr Susan Love,  Rachel and Darryle share their reactions to Rita Wilson’s breast cancer diagnosis.

Belated birthday wishes to Tami and Jo.

As Rebecca starts radiotherapy, Sarah finishes her sessions..and so the circle continues.

Chelsey writes of hot flashes and learning how to listen to our bodies.

For those struggling with infertility, do take time to read Justine’s latest posts on Ever Upward.

Some advice on whether to use a cold cap during chemotherapy on the Breast Investigators blog;  Carrie shares her ideas on what to get someone one who is going through treatment;  Claudia shares some of her learnings on making chemotherapy choices and Chloe writes of her decision-making process on breast reconstruction.

I am so sad to learn of the passing of her friend Seporah Raizer through Ann Marie‘s blog.

Excellent article exploring the myth of positive thinking on the Medivizor blog.

Jen is keeping us up to date with the latest cancer research, while Jamie reports back from the AACR (the annual meeting for the American Association for Cancer Research).

Some must-reads on survivor guilt by Knot and Renee.

Nancy reflects on five years post cancer diagnosis and what that means for her.

The recent tragic events in Nepal have a particularly painful and personal resonance with Philippa as she movingly explains in her blog.

Loving Katy’s ode to chemo-brain on her blog.

Beautiful writing on grief by Yvonne.

The Cancer Curmudgeon is happy she has found like-minded people online and Debbie also shares her positive experience of connecting with an online support group.

Bernie Leno shares her experience of volunteering with a Fresh Chapter.

Dense breasts, the benefits of soy and annual check-ups – just some of the topics under discussion on Caroline’s blog. 

Our dear friend Jan has finished part of her treatment and is looking forward to her next adventure in life.

Through stunning photography, Elizabeth draws parallels between the life of a flower and our lives as sexual creatures.

Finally this week, I leave you with an image that made me smile – it’s Catherine’s “Happy Writer” t-shirt and you can find full details of how to get your hands on your very own t on her website.


Until next week,

Be Happy Writing!

Yours with love

Marie xxx