Weekly Round-Up – The Thanksgiving Edition

girl_with_lassoTime for this week’s round-up of the best of the blogs which I’ve read over the past week. These are the posts that have moved me, taught me something, inspired me, and which I’ve wanted to share with you. Remember, if you have written or read a post recently which you would like me to share with readers, then please leave a comment below.

Yesterday, being Thanksgiving, the blogosphere was alive with posts celebrating gratitude and friendship. While we outside of the US, don’t celebrate this occasion, (as Yvonne points out “even after living in America for over twenty years, the celebration of Thanksgiving does not come naturally to me, and it amuses me that some of my American friends are still surprised when I tell them there is no such holiday in Ireland”), we can all join in with its spirit.

In Anne Marie’s wonderfully celebratory post, she writes about her gratitude for the global nature of connection via social media.

Lori reminds us that “while I try to be thankful every day, I’m glad we have today as a reminder” – a sentiment echoed by Debbie who believes “it isn’t enough just to be thankful. For, what is thankfulness if it is not expressed?” And in “Why Gratitude Isn’t Just For Thanksgiving” Andrew of My Lymphoma Journey points out the health benefits of being grateful and why we should adopt the practice all year round.

Nancy of the Pink Underbelly is expressing her thankfulness, as is Susan of A4BC,   and Kathi of the Accidental Amazon. And in poignant post, both Nancy’s Point and Stacey remember their mothers’ at Thanksgiving. Meanwhile Jody has a slightly different take on Thanksgiving with her thoughtful post on acceptance.

Gratitude led my friend Terri to set up her adventure of hope and to open up a new way of expressing it to other cancer survivors. Check out her latest post on A Fresh Chapter about her upcoming Delhi trip.

One of the things I am grateful for is how my eyes have been opened by the fearless breast cancer bloggers who continue to shatter society’s conventional view of what they should be like. Reading so many blogs each week, I am struck by the similarities in our journeys, but also the uniqueness of each of our stories and our individual ways of coping with cancer.  Check out Sarah’s passionate defence of living life on her own terms and not conforming to society’s expectations of what a cancer “sufferer” should look like. And then read Catherine’s How To Stand Out During Chemo and Beyond.

Until next week, keep on being grateful when and where you can, and above all keep on being uniquely YOU!

Yours with love

Marie xxx