Weekly Round-Up

girl_with_lassoTime for this week’s round-up of the best of the blogs which I’ve read over the past week. These are the posts that have moved me, taught me something, inspired me, and which I’ve wanted to share with you. Remember, if you have written or read a post recently which you would like me to share with readers, then please leave a comment below.

In Shielding Realities, Keep The Calm is asking the question “I wonder as I carry this cancer, how much do I really share, especially on days like today. Also, why do we feel we must mask our sorrow and doubts, pains and suffering? Should we spare the ones we love or prepare them?”

In a thoughtful post, Julia Barnickle is also asking a question…”if today were my last day, how would I spend it?”

Audrey Birt has been inspired by the Paralympics this week and writes:

I know my own challenges are so small compared to theirs but their courage and resilience is inspiring me too….With every illness or change or disability there is the point where you have let go of your old reality with all the grieving that’s part of that but then that is replaced by the new reality. The challenge is to celebrate that person , all the learning that has ensued and be all you can be from there.

Andrew picks up on the story in the New York Times of  Susan Gubar, author of Memoir of a Debulked Woman, and the terminology of cancer.

Information on Catherine’s blog on a stunning new photography exhibition and more information on Brenda’s blog on how you can stand up to cancer  Standing up for your beliefs is the theme of Anne Marie’s latest rousing post.

Jamie is preparing for “pinktober”  by sharing a striking image on her blog.

A lovely post from Renn on being camera ready – something Philippa always aims to be too – check out their images this week, and if you haven’t already done so, do check out the wonderful images and posts of those others who joined me in celebrating the ordinary last week, including.. Susan, Yvonne, Liz, Jan, Nancy, Martine, Katie, Lori, Sarah and Beth. 

Finally this week, beloved children’s author, Judy Blume opened up about her breast cancer diagnosis on her blog. Her words echo the theme of Debbie’s latest post – having companionship is the key to making our way easier on the path to recovery.

As I’ve told my friends who’ve also been treated for breast cancer, I’ve joined The Club – not one I wanted to join or even thought I would ever be joining – but here I am. Medical diagnoses can leave you feeling alone and scared. When it comes to breast cancer you’re not alone, and scary though it is, there’s a network of amazing women to help you through it.

Until next week.

Yours with love

Marie xxx

P.S. Please join me in sending healing good wishes to The Pink Underbelly as she recovers from her knee surgery.