Weekly Round-Up

girl_with_lassoTime for this week’s round-up of the best of the blogs which I’ve read over the past week. These are the posts that have moved me, taught me something, inspired me, and which I’ve wanted to share with you. Remember, if you have written or read a post recently which you would like me to share with readers, then please leave a comment below.

“Don’t be so right that you make yourself wrong” these words simply leaped off the screen for me when reading Anne Marie’s latest post which brilliantly covers the complexities of our support for individuals, organizations and the ideologies of cancer research. I couldn’t possibly begin to sum up this post, so you will have to read it for yourselves and make up your own minds how much of it resonates for you personally.

Candida has done a terrific review of the Patients Like Me informational and support site. And what makes a “good patient”? both  Caroline’s Breast Cancer Blog and My Lymphoma Journey has some observations on this subject.

It’s Jan’s turn this week to review Tory Zellick’s excellent new book, The Medical Day Planner.

Catherine is celebrating a very special birthday this week, and Nancy is reflecting on summers past and present.  Liz is reflecting on a fateful day, the day before her life was about to change, the day of her biopsy result.

Long summer evenings are traditionally the time for those winged creatures –  bats – to make an appearance, and Yvonne has an enthralling story to tell, in her own inimitable style, related to bats in an attic.

Jen has written a poignant ode to one of those persistent side effects of cancer – our old friend chemo-brain.

Florence has reached her goal of finding 100 things to be grateful for with cancer. Now whether you agree with her or not ( I know how contentious this can be in the blogosphere) you got to admire her focus and persistence, and if you are wondering what happens next for Flo, check out her blog to find out.

Debbie has written a delightful post to mark the 4th of July celebrations, and Lori has chosen the occasion to celebrate what freedom means to her personally. I am going to leave you with a quote from Lori to close out this week’s round-up:

Being free, I am able to take action. Being free, I can make fully informed choices about how I will spend my time. Being free, I can stop worrying about the expectations of others and be true to myself. Being free, with a clear sense of what the worst-case scenario looks like, I am able to celebrate sharing each day with those I love most.

Until next week, think about all the ways in which you are free to celebrate your free will and choice, when and where you can.

Yours with love

Marie xxx