Health Activist Writer’s Month Challenge Day 6 #HAWMC

Day six of the WEGO Health Activist Writer’s Month which I have signed up for – a month dedicated to the art of writing about health. 

Today’s prompt:

Write a haiku about your health focus.

As soon as I read today’s prompt, I thought uh!oh! I am going to have to call on one of my 2 day passes to get out of writing, because I am not a poetry writer. Like art, it brings up feelings of I am not good enough at this, so I won’t try it.

I also decided to use as an excuse the fact that I do my weekly round-up on Fridays and that is enough work for one day. Then, I reconsidered and chose to see this exercise as an opportunity to challenge myself.  I took as my inspiration this quote from author and journalist, Anna Quindlen (a favorite of Yvonne Watterson and the blogger Diggingher):

The thing that is really hard, and really amazing, is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself.

When I read this quote I thought it also fit in nicely with my Day Two post on living one’s real life. So, today I have released the expectation I have put on myself that each Friday I must produce the weekly round-up and I have challenged myself to write this haiku.

sun shining through shade

seasons of survivorship

i walk toward light


Thoughts on Today’s Challenge

I did it!

Maybe it’s not the best haiku in the world, but in its defense it follows the rules of a haiku – 5 syllables/7 syllables/5 syllables – and it relates to the health focus I write about – cancer survivorship. It also draws on the element of light and shade which I wrote about yesterday and which fascinates me in art and life.

Now over to you!

Can you challenge yourself to do something imperfectly today? Let me know what that might be and how you get on with it in the comments below.

Would you like to join me in the Health Activist Writer’s Month Challenge (HAWMC)?
It’s not too late to join in the challenge!