Feelgood Scarves

Me hat-less and scarf-less

Thanks to Steph at Biopsy Report for alerting me to a new Irish website, Feelgood Scarves. The idea for this came from the personal experience of its founder Catherine O’Sullivan, who lost her hair during treatment for breast cancer in 2008.

Catherine writes on the website that  “it was a devastating experience at the time and totally shook my confidence. While I wore a wig some of the time, I also liked to wear a range of hats and headscarves. At night I found I needed something to keep my head warm as it took some time to get used to having a bare head in bed!”

Having trawled the internet, Catherine was disappointed with the range of headwear available. “There was a limited range of styles and fabrics available. I thought it would be lovely to have headwear that, apart from being comfortable, looked elegant too. Why not look stylish and fashionable? And so the idea for feelgoodscarves.com was born.”

I love to hear these stories of those who put their cancer experience to good use, don’t you?  I have to say that while losing my hair wasn’t the most devastating part of treatment for me, I understand it is for many women.  These scarves come in a selection of soft, washable fabrics, and can be mailed out to the recipient, artfully packaged in tissue paper; which makes them a great gift for a friend or loved one going through treatment.

Check out feelgoodscarves.com for more details.

Related Post: Hair today…gone tomorrow