Weekly Round-Up

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Time for this week’s round-up of the best of the blog posts which I’ve read over the past week. These are the posts that have moved me, taught me something, inspired me, and which I’ve wanted to share with you. Don’t forget if you have written a post which you would like readers to see, just leave a comment below.

Last week I asked you to share with me how you marked a cancerversary, so it’s lovely to read Dee‘s latest post on her 13th cancerversary.

Audrey is home from the hospital and slowly recovering.

Gorgeous post from Juliet on how flowers make her happy – me too Juliet!

Juliet also guest blogs this week on Bullshit Breast Cancer.

A powerful and moving reflection on grief on Nancy‘s blog.

Memories of Catherine‘s mother this week as she prepares for her first birthday without her.

Connie shares a delightful childhood memory in her latest blog.

A fascinating post from Carolyn exploring the theme of “patient as hostage.”

Wonderful story of completing a bucket list wish from Susan this week. On a similar theme, read Barbara’s latest post on following your dreams.

A question from Terri this week, “who inspires  you as a breast cancer survivor?”

Chris tackles the topic of working with cancer.

A big warm welcome back to the blogosphere to Rebecca with a super post on how it should always be about the patient when it comes to making treatment choices.

Finally this week, I asked if you would be interested in receiving a weekly writing prompt to keep up our blogging MoJo. Several of you said you’d like this, so I’ve decided to share a prompt in the weekly round-up to start your week off. Here’s this week’s prompt.


I look forward to sharing your posts on this topic in next week’s roundup.

Yours with much love always

Marie xxx