Weekly Round-Up

facebook_8e11c195daTime for this week’s round-up of the best of the blog posts which I’ve read over the past week. These are the posts that have moved me, taught me something, inspired me, and which I’ve wanted to share with you. Don’t forget if you have written a post which you would like readers to see, just leave a comment below.

Welcome to another fresh month of blogging!

I’m starting off this week with a request. I’m looking for your tips and suggestions on how best to help a friend with cancer, for an article I’m writing on this topic. Please leave your comments here.

And now on with the round-up.

In cancer language, it’s not unusual for the medical or scientific meaning of a word to be different from the way the same word is understood in everyday language. Lisa lays out six terms that are frequently used in reporting about cancer research and treatment, and some observations on what they actually mean.

Delightful post celebrating joy in winter from Naomi this week.

Michele shares a guest post written by her 17-year old nephew about her cancer diagnosis.

A review of the recently published book 100 Stories on the Wellies and Seaweed blog.

A Mets Monday guest post on Nancy‘s blog, featuring Lisa Valentine.

JoAnn shares a lovely post about her beloved pets.

A poignant post from Connie this week on how the passing of time has changed her Mom and dealing with sadness in watching our aging parents.

Stunning post from Johanna on the passing of time with Stage IV cancer.

Each marker of time is a signpost, another hill or copse on the orienteering map of cancer unknowns.

Thoughts from Ilene on standing tall in the face of bone metastases.

An informative post from Terri on microsurgery in breast reconstruction after mastectomy.

A reflection by Barbara on how life can change in an instant.

Nancy Seibel shares her thoughts on why worry is sometimes helpful.

Sara, who has recently published a book named after her blog Ticking Off Breast Cancer, shares her story of being diagnosed as a busy mum and career woman, on her publisher’s website.  And on her own blog, Sara publishes  a guest post by Hannah, diagnosed with breast cancer at the young age of 25.

A powerful reflection from Megsie on the harsh reality of being a black woman diagnosed with cancer.

Until a white person becomes a person of color, they will NEVER comprehend how many are treated by the white community and medical community. I’ve been questioned and not taken seriously or talked down to and know without a doubt it’s due to the color of my skin.

Karen looks  back at all the changes that happened in her life over the past nine years since her diagnosis of breast cancer.

Abigail reviews Tom Rath’s book It’s Not About You and reflects on the legacy we leave behind us.

Legacy is also the theme of Chris’ latest post and  Emily who writes about “the part of what is hopeful about those of us living with this disease is what we do with it.”

We have the hope of now, of our individual and collective voices to demand more for ourselves and for all of us living with metastatic breast cancer…It goes past research, past treatments, to the belief that what we can do with the time we have is to contribute to a collective legacy that will make the world better.

Until next week,

Yours with much love always,

Marie xxx