Weekly Round-Up


Time for this week’s round-up of the best of the blog posts which I’ve read over the past week. These are the posts that have moved me, taught me something, inspired me, and which I’ve wanted to share with you. Don’t forget if you have written a post which you would like readers to see, just leave a comment below.

The last day of September, which means that Pinktober is right around the corner. Beth kicks off the real discussions we should be having in October with her latest post.

This October, instead of a conversation on the heroic, brave breast cancer survivor-warrior archetype, I would like the conversations to veer toward research for a cure one day, as well as to those of us who find ourselves mentally and physically incapacitated by cancer and its treatment effects. Beth Gainer

Complement Beth’s post with Carolyn’s latest  The bumpy road between diagnosis and getting better. 

On her blog this week, Nancy reviews The Gene: An Intimate History by Siddhartha Mukherjee, MD.

A very sad and revealing account on Chris‘ blog of the poverty trap cancer forces many patients into.

As I am fast approaching a significant milestone birthday next month, I am grateful to be here to celebrate when so many are not, something so wonderfully captured in Ilene‘s latest post.

If someone complains about their age or the effects of age in their outward appearance I have to laugh at the folly of vanity while coming to the aging process from a position of hope. I hope to live to see my gradually aging face or look down at my time weathered hands and that my days are full of garden dirt and callouses from toiling with artistic endeavors and of writing. Each of these efforts yields a better experience with each moment of practice. Ilene Kaminsky

Good scan news amidst hurricane fury on Lisa Thompson‘s blog this week.

Barbara reports on new research which they say, could lead to improved cancer treatments.

Becky is recovering well from eye surgery this week.

We are familiar with the stories of women who share with their female relatives news of carrying the BRCA gene, but what’s it like for a male to have to share with his sons and brothers their risks? This topic is explored on the HIS Breast Cancer Awareness blog – thanks to Rod for the heads-up on this.

So nice to have Britt and Kimberly back with us in the blogosphere this week – you’ve been missed!

Gorgeous post from Connie celebrating being enough in this world.

I’m pleased to read this super review by Terri on the Breast Advocate app which I tested out in its beta phase and highly recommend checking out after you’ve read the review.

Audrey writes this week of healing, adjustment and re-engaging with work again.

And finally, this week’s writing prompt. Even if you don’t have a blog, please feel free to join in by sharing your thoughts in the comments below.

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Until next week,

Yours with much love always

Marie xxx