Weekly Round Up

girl_with_lassoTime for this week’s round-up of the best of the blog posts which I’ve read over the past week. These are the posts that have moved me, taught me something, inspired me, and which I’ve wanted to share with you. Don’t forget if you have written a post which you would like readers to see, just leave a comment below.

Such a sad week for us in the blogosphere, as we learned of the death of Tami Boehmer. Jo is also remembering a special friend Issy – both women died of metastatic breast cancer. They both touched many lives, and their loss is keenly felt, but as Cara points out cancer can never kill our memories of them, and the others we have lost to this disease.

There’s always hope is the title of Sharon‘s latest post, and it made me think of Tami, who was a big believer in hope. Lulu‘s reminder “Let me not die while I am still alive” also struck me as a fitting tribute to Issy and Tami.

The Cancer Curmudgeon responds to Nancy Brinker “seeing red” over the recent New York Times article detailing how some breast cancer patients are tired of the “pinkification” of disease (see also I Want More Than A Pink Ribbon).

Becky and Julia are taking part in November Writing Month. The original NaNoWriMo – National Novel Writing Month – has spawned more opportunities to write in this month. Anyone else taking part?

If you find yourself stuck for blogging ideas, check out Justine‘s blog where she is sharing writing prompts.

Interesting read by Nic on how she is finding peace again with pinktober.

Ann Becker-Schutte encourages us to get back in touch with our sense of play.

I loved Jenny‘s post on grief and gratitude and how the two co-exist in our lives.

Jean examines the link between breast cancer and osteoporosis.

The Pink Underbelly has had her fill of surgeries – and who could blame her!

Pause for thought this week at Liz‘s blog when she contemplates the nature of a breast – “No-one can imagine how they will feel about their breasts until they’re told one needs to be removed” – and Jenny Baker‘s blog as she reflects how “the free time and lack of responsibilities you crave when you’re overwhelmed with the busyness of life looks different when it’s all you have”.

Nancy and Renee are sharing some excerpts from their new books.

Found myself nodding in recognition at much of what Tric wrote this week on who is the woman who looks back at us in the mirror.

Substitute the word cancer, or indeed any life-threatening illness and you will readily identity with Carolyn‘s latest post on coping styles and personalities.

Thought-provoking post by Elissa on how her life trajectory has both mirrored and diverged from her mother’s.

Lots going on over at Caroline’s blog – too much to put into just one sentence here 😉

Beautiful post by Elizabeth on learning to center ourselves and Catherine is learning how to say no, though it’s not easy.

Finally this week, I leave you with a message and an image from Carrie to take you into the week to come.


Until next week,

Yours with love

Marie xxx