Weekly Round Up

girl_with_lassoTime for this week’s round-up of the best of the blog posts which I’ve read over the past week. These are the posts that have moved me, taught me something, inspired me, and which I’ve wanted to share with you. Don’t forget if you have written a post which you would like readers to see, just leave a comment below.

This past week in Ireland and the UK, I’ve witnessed the “no make-up selfie” phenomenon sweep through my Facebook and Twitter timelines. I admit to feeling ambivalent about this being billed as a cancer awareness campaign – I don’t see how it does anything to raise awareness of the disease – no more than that old post the colour of your bra meme that did the rounds of Facebook a few years ago. However, I don’t want to be curmudgeonly about this. Charities have reported a huge upsurge in donations, and everyone who has posted a picture of their “naked” (ie without make-up selves) has the best intentions.  I am never seen without my war-paint on – so fair play to those who have taken part. Audrey I salute you! Audrey wants to take a stand not just for those affected by breast cancer but  in solidarity with all whose life has been affected by ill-health ;mental and physical – for as she says, who is making an effort on their behalf? And Emma Hannigan, who has no ambiguity when it comes to this, has posted her own striking version of a no-make up selfie on her blog. 

Philippa recounts a small incident which led to a cut finger, but strikingly it also points to the vulnerability we feel long after an initial cancer diagnosis – a theme also echoed in Stephanie’s blog.

Jessica posts her eulogy to her Mom,  something which really touched me, thinking of my own mother.

A terrific post from Katy on how cancer changes our life plans.

Nancy presents part two of her breast cancer alphabet and has a book giveaway on her blog.

Cancer Curmudgeon is reflecting on her complicated relationships with hope.

I love JoAnn’s post on finding friendship online.

Important information on Helen’s blog on complex bandaging treatment for Lymphedema.

Elizabeth asks some big questions about what it is to be a woman in today’s image obsessed society – a theme I find echoed in the Pink Underbelly’s blog this week. Both blogs touch on society’s judging of women. Perhaps the harshest judgment we can face is how we judge ourselves – check out Beth’s post “Scars As Beauty”.

Judging of another kind on Jennifer‘s blog as she writes about  how her Stage IV cancer has made her feel socially awkward and asks “how do I navigate this weird space I’m in where I look mostly healthy but have treatments and am on disability and still live with this disease all the damn time? ”  If she reveals the truth to strangers, how will she be judged?

Until next week.

Let’s commit to less judging, more understanding.

Yours with love

Marie xxx