Weekly Round Up

girl_with_lassoTime for this week’s round-up of the best of the blog posts which I’ve read over the past week. These are the posts that have moved me, taught me something, inspired me, and which I’ve wanted to share with you. Don’t forget if you have written a post which you would like readers to see, just leave a comment below.

Can you believe this is the last round-up of the first month of this year? Where did that month go? And if you made any resolutions at the start of January, are you still sticking to them? One of the most popular resolutions is that perennial favorite of exercising more.  And for many of us, it is, along with diet, the one we are most likely to fall short of.  Nancy ponders this very question of why exercising doesn’t come as easily to some of us as it does to others, while Dr Ann Becker Schutte has a thoughtful post on what is behind the resistance that goes on within us when it comes to self-care. 

I’ve said this before but one of the things I most love to see in the blogosphere is little glimpses into our other lives  (the one that carries on despite cancer) and The Pink Underbelly does this so well. This week we have another tour around her beautiful new home.  And a glimpse of a different kind into the Elizabeth’s life. She often writes about her husband, John, and daughter Zoey and the relationship between them. This week John writes a guest post about what Elizabeth means to him. It’s no surprise that she comes across as the same loving, beautiful, kind and wise woman we have already come to know through her writing.

If I was giving out prizes for the most beautiful headline in the blogosphere this week, it would have to go to Philippa for KINTSUKORAI – More Beautiful for Having Been Broken. In her blog she shows us a picture of a delicate bowl with veins of gold  through it along with a word and its definition. “The word was completely new to me – kintsukorai. ” writes Philippa “It’s definition was incredibly powerful. It is the art of repairing broken pottery with gold, so that the item becomes more beautiful through having been broken.”

Yvonne was the voice of Ireland last week – a Twitter account which is curated among different users each week. I can’t think of anyone better to carry this honor than Yvonne, who is often the voice of Ireland for me in her blogs, so evocatively does she evoke a time and place that is so familiar to me in her writing.

Elsewhere in the blogosphere…

A wonderfully fresh new look for the Telling Knots blog, even though the writer herself is feeling tired and exhausted , there is something about her new look blog that speaks of hope and light.

Fantastic question from Catherine on how we lean into our lives and what matters to us after cancer.

A very thoughtful exploration on what it means to truly listen to another person’s experience of living and dying on Sarah’s blog.

A post on breast cancer in the military from NoBoobsAboutIt.

A beautiful post honoring our vulnerability and courage by Justine and if you want to see what this looks like in action check out Stacey’s blog on rejection as catalyst.

A guest post by a radiation oncologist on 1 Up On Cancer all about taking supplements.

Debbie has written a guest post for Cure Today on the natural care-giving instinct to look after your family first, sometimes at the risk of your own mental well-being.

Katie is starting a 28-day meditation challenge and invites you to join her.

Good news on Beth’s Mom who had a cancer scare recently, and a realization of just how precious our mothers are.

Finally this week, Audrey is looking forward and looking back on the past twelve months since she left her position at Breakthrough Breast Cancer and I was struck by these words she wrote:

Every change has its gains and losses, time and energy is needed to move through the transition and this has been no different. I have grieved at times and felt joyful at times too.

A fitting reminder to those of us who are going through a time of transition in our lives – change doesn’t come without a mix of emotions, and we must honor those feelings whatever they are. It reminds me of the poem The Guest House by Rumi:

This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.

Until next week,

Yours with love

Marie xxx