Weekly Round Up

girl_with_lassoTime for this week’s round-up of the best of the blogs which I’ve read over the past week. These are the posts that have moved me, taught me something, inspired me, and which I’ve wanted to share with you. Just click on the highlighted links to read the posts. Don’t forget if you have written a post which you would like readers to see, just leave a comment below.

Both Katy in One Wild Ride  and Being Sarah have been writing on the topic of hope this week from different perspectives but both well worth the read.

Bringing up Goliath has a terrific reflection on the nature of the breast cancer blogging community and what we can learn from each other. That is just a small part of what she has been writing about and I found it a fascinating piece which really resonated with me. Similarly, Feisty Blue Gecko has also been reflecting on the unexpected where the blogging journey can take us. In the midst of all this online bonding, we sometimes forget to mention the occasions of our offline support today and Jody has reminded me of just that in a spell-binding post The Call.

Nancy has written a wonderfully honest account of the issues surrounding the decision on reconstruction after surgery for cancer. It garnered a lot of responses from readers and is a must read for anyone facing this decision.

Brenda is asking the important question of how well do we really know our breasts? Another great must read!

ArtBra KC Defies Cancer, Celebrates Life is the latest from Dispatch from Second Base and I loved reading it. I also loved the celebratory tone of The Pink Underbelly as she picks up her tennis racket again following her surgery.

Do you remember that I mentioned I had the delightful experience of meeting up with Jan Hasak on her recent trip to Ireland? Well, I thoroughly enjoyed reading her account of her visit to the Emerald Isle, and I know you will too.

Until we meet again friends, whether it be in cyber space or more terrestrial surroundings…keep on blogging!


Marie xxx