Words to live by

“The tragedy of life is what dies inside a man while he lives” – Albert Schweitzer

This quote from Albert Schweitzer is one of the mottos I try to live by. In those few short words, a whole world of regret or opportunity, depending on which way you look at it, is encapsulated.  It is for me a powerful quote, which never fails to stop me in my tracks.

Regular readers of this blog will know that I am a big fan of quotations. I believe in their power to change your whole day, your whole week, even your whole life.  So, I was delighted recently to see a piece on the Know Cancer blog echoing these very thoughts.

“Words of inspiration can take us many places. They can evoke in us an awakening to be a better person or enthuse a new direction in life; spark a change. They may help us get through times that seem like an unbearable slump we will never escape from or teach us to love, be happy with what we have, and just appreciate yourself and the earth that you came from. To be able to share a quote that you believe in, a quote that drives you and inspires positivity; to be able to share that with another person is something special, especially when it touches them in a way that births new thoughts or a new way of life.”

What are some of your favorite quotes? Why not share them with us here and inspire each other today.

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