Weekly Round-Up

It’s Sunday again, and I’m here to share another roundup of the top blogs I’ve enjoyed this week.

Starting off with a warm welcome back to the blogosphere to Audrey.

Amy shares some exciting news – her book, “Resurrection Lily” is now available as an audiobook.

In the latest DiepCJourney podcast, Terri shares the personal story of a breast cancer patient determined to find the best care available. This strong woman overcame numerous obstacles on her journey from diagnosis to recovery, ultimately undergoing DIEP flap breast reconstructive surgery.

Contrast-enhanced mammography (CEM), also known as contrast-enhanced spectral mammography (CESM) or contrast-enhanced digital mammography (CEDM), is an advanced breast imaging technique that combines traditional mammography with intravenous contrast agents.  Learn more on the SBC blog about this technique.

Our MBC Life talks with Dr Kathryn Schmitz who has led the way in understanding why and implementing how exercise for people with breast cancer, including those with MBC, can be beneficial.

In her latest post, Gabby is appalled at the media portrayal of Catherine, Princess of Wales, after her first public appearance following her cancer diagnosis, highlighting the implied judgement faced by all cancer patients.

Having her metastatic breast cancer experience turned into a piece of art was a meaningful opportunity for Martha, who recounts the experience in her latest Cure post.

Beth is continuing to work on a collection of female nudes, which will be part of her Breast Cancer, Female and Young series. 

Barbara discusses how gratitude is the cornerstone of a happy life.

Another thoughtful post from Connie reflecting on the pilgrimage within.

Nancy is revisiting stories “planted” in her garden.

Gardening is also the theme of Carolyn‘s post this week. “It turns out,” she writes, “that gardening is associated with better cardiovascular health among older adults compared to older adults who do NOT garden, according to researchers at Penn State University.”

So as we wind up another week in the blogosphere, I hope you find seeds of wisdom and inspiration in the stories shared.

Until next time, happy reading and happy growing!

Yours with much love always

Marie xxx