Patients are not total idiots!

Just catching up with this story thanks to Alexandra Fulford’s blog. Feeling frustrated, angered and deeply disappointed by the statement of Dr Niam Yaraghi in USA Today that “patients are are neither qualified nor capable of evaluating the quality of the medical services that they receive. “


Yesterday I read an awesome post by the MightyCasey in response to an astonishing post by a certain Niam Yaraghi in USA Today.  According to said Niam Yaraghi patients are incapable of managing or understanding their own health and should leave it all entirely up the medical professionals.  In essence in his article he treats patients like small, stupid children who have no idea what they are talking about and, whilst capable of making highly complicated investment decisions, are not capable of making basic healthcare decisions.

My first jaw dropping moment was when I read:

“Patients are neither qualified nor capable of evaluating the quality of the medical services that they receive. How can a patient, with no medical expertise, know that the treatment option that he received was the best available one?”

“……….”  That’s me being speechless.  Really?  So we are not capable of realising that we are getting…

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