Three Little Words: An Alternative New Year’s Resolution


Have you made any new year’s resolutions this year?

It’s been a long time since I have, but I know that many people still embrace the start of a new year and how it offers the possibility of starting afresh. All I remember of my old resolutions is how easy it is to slide back into those old habits and ways, and end up right back where we started, with a little side measure of self-loathing for “failing” again to keep our resolutions.

Why do we do it? Why do we make resolutions we know we will never keep?

Perhaps the reason we stumble and fall short of the ideals to which we aspire, is often because we make the wrong resolutions, resolutions focussed on what we don’t like about ourselves. Instead, why not think about bringing alive something in you that wants to express itself?

Start this new year by identifying something deep inside your soul that you want to nurture in 2014. Think about what would be different about your life, if this aspect of your being was encouraged to come alive.

Over the past few years there has been a movement in the blogosphere to choose three words to be your guide for what you intend to focus on in the coming year. Examples have included, resilience, courage, wonder, simplicity, gratitude.

So what  three words would you choose to guide you in the coming year?  Why not  share it with us here and let us encourage each other in our hopes and dreams for a new year.