Happy Thanksgiving

One of the things I’m grateful for in my life is that I  feel part of a wonderful support community through this blog. While we don’t celebrate the day officially here in Ireland, I feel as if I am sharing in something of the spirit of the day thanks to all my American friends who are celebrating Thanksgiving today. So, as I think of you all out there, getting ready for Thanksgiving, tuning into all those things and people you cherish, preparing for rituals and celebrations, I will honour this special day by posting in the spirit of thanksgiving and gratitude.

A beautiful French proverb says that “gratitude is the heart’s memory”, and with that in  mind, today is a day to remember… to remember those in our lives who walk along our path with us and show us support , friendship, love and kindness.

But, gratitude is not just about a nice warm fuzzy feeling you get, there may in fact be measurable, scientific benefits to this American tradition of giving thanks. One study showed that when participants were asked to find something to appreciate every day, they:

  • Felt better about their lives
  • Were more optimistic
  • Were more energetic
  • Were more enthusiastic
  • Were more determined
  • Were more joyful
  • Exercised more
  • Had fewer illnesses
  • Got more sleep.
  • Were more likely to have helped someone else

That should be reason enough to shift our perspective. Who and what are you grateful for today? Make a list each day and add to it. Often it is the greatest blessings in our lives that we take for granted, like our health or our families.

So today, let’s give thanks for all that is good in our lives, remembering as Meister Eckhart wrote that “If the only prayer you say in your life is ‘thank you,’ that would suffice”.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you xxx