Blogus Interruptus

Some of you may have noticed that my usual prolific blogging output has slowed of late, so it’s time to ‘fess up. I am in hospital and while, I thought it might be a short stay initially – it turns out I will be here for some time. I thought I could keep up the pace,  but when Friday rolled around last week, and I couldn’t put my usual weekly round-up together, I knew I had to admit to a case of Blogus Interruptus.

It’s hard for me to give up my usual mode of doing, but I need to switch to a being mode in order to become fully well again. I won’t completely disappear – I have some draft posts, including the regular Mindful Monday, which will still appear – it is after all only an interruption in blogging, not a complete cessation 😉

Love to you all.

Marie xxx